Saturday, March 31, 2007

Finally done with logs and plots.

I think I finished with logs and plots for now. It seems like evolution plot looks little weird because logarithmic scale, but it is easy to transform into linear scale. The point to keep logarithmic scale for now is to emphasize that populations are not linear if we zoom in. The logarithmic plot is above, and linear below, Axis X is number of accretions events x5000, Axis Y is the population size.

Got 0 issues with Checkstyle !!!

Basically fixed all Checkstyle issues for the whole iClouds project (don't taking in the view Mersenne Twister part from Paul Houle, he seems to be used different style template). I'm really happy about this result. :-)

The HackyStat plot: got from ~70 issues to 0.
The sweet Checkstyle report:

Friday, March 30, 2007

Extended command-line functionality.

Since the software passed through series of accounting bugs and seems to be stable now, I've decided to focus more on code quality and overall software usability. The first step I've decided to do was aiming "smart" command line arguments handling. Googled a bit and stuck at first with Processing command line arguments in Java: Case closed but despite it was looking great, some of internals didn't work out. After googling a little bit more stuck with CLI package of the Jakarta/Apache commons project. This one worked out of the box. DONE.

H:\home\senin\projects\iclouds>java -jar build\jar\iclouds.jar
usage: java -jar iclouds.jar
-acclimit specifies the accretion events limit
-config specifies config file to use
-density specifies the cloud density
-dhratio specifies the D/H ratio
-help print this message
-itrlimit specifies the iterations limit
-logfile use given file for log
-loggerfile use given file for log
-loglevel specifies the logger level [severe | fine | finer | finest]